From Scarfolk, the English horror-town stuck in a ten-year loop in the 1970s, comes this Action Man waterboarding playset, marketed after overwhelming popular demand: "A survey conducted in 1978 found that the jobs boys most wanted when they were older included astronaut, engine driver and chief torturer for a totalitarian regime which uses its cover as a civilised democracy to commit national and international atrocities with impunity."
Scarfolk's waterboarding accessory set for Action Man

- scarfolk
- torture
- trenchant
- waterboarding
9/11 defendant ruled unfit for trial due to delusions and psychosis following alleged CIA torture
It looks like you'll have to be happy with the extralegal justice already dealt to Ramzi bin al-Shibh, suspected of involvement in 9/11: the CIA reportedly tortured him, his mental… READ THE REST
US military judge acknowledges that forcing Ensure up a detainee's anus is indeed torture
In a recent court case, US military judge Col. Lanny Acosta Jr. ruled that confessions made by Abdul Rahim al-Nashiri, a detainee at Guantanamo, were not legally admissible, on the… READ THE REST
Shocking UN Report: Guantanamo violates International law, may be crimes against humanity
On Monday, the UN's special rapporteur Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, an Irish human rights lawyer, published a 23-page report about her recent visit to the United States' detention facility at Guantanamo… READ THE REST
Stop wasting money at the grocery store—become a BJ's member for just $20
TL;DR: Get a 1-year BJ's Club Card membership for just $20 (reg. $60) and enjoy massive discounts on groceries, gas, and more. We all know grocery shopping is expensive, and filling… READ THE REST
Get premium device protection for less than $7 per device this year
TL;DR: Get a full year of Trend Micro Maximum Security for three devices at $19.99 and guard against ransomware, phishing scams, and identity theft. Your devices deserve a bodyguard — and not… READ THE REST
Create full songs in seconds with this AI platform
TL;DR: Supermusic AI lets you compose, produce, and share studio-quality music—no skills required—for just $39.97 (reg. $319). Remember when making music required, you know, actual musical talent or years of training? Yeah,… READ THE REST