Revolution Messaging's White House Inc is a tool that connects your phone to the main switchboard of a random Trump property somewhere in the world, because "Until Trump steps away from his businesses for real, their property is no different from the Oval Office."
The White House closed its public comments line has been closed for four days now; Trump says that people who want to leave a comment for the President can write a Facebook message instead.
Revolution Messaging — the digital arm of the Bernie Sanders campaign — suggests that you use their tool to "tell management that until Trump steps away from his businesses for real, their property is no different from the Oval Office and you want to talk about the issues that matter most," like the assault on women's health; building the stupid wall; repealing Obamacare and leaving 22 million people without insurance; and failing to take action on student debt.
Back in November, Trump said he'd announce his plans for his business on December 15. We're still waiting. So far, there is no indication that he'd actually be selling his business and divesting his family's stake. If he sold his business, how would foreign leaders show him that they care by staying in his resorts and greenlighting new projects around the globe? How would you and I show our patriotism by donning our Chinese-made Trump neck ties and shopping Ivanka's looks from her meetings with foreign leaders – business partners?LET'S USE THIS CRITICAL TIME TO SHOW TRUMP WE NEED THESE SATELLITE WHITE HOUSES MORE THAN EVER. POUR YOURSELF A LITTLE TRUMP VODKA AND CALL WHITE HOUSE INC. TODAY!
Bernie Sanders' digital team offers a way for people to call the White House
[Sasha Lekach/Mashable]
(via Naked Capitalism)