'Resistiré' (I Will Resist), Dúo Dinámico (1988)


"Resistiré," '80s Euro-pop by the Spanish band Dúo Dinámico. As made famous in Átame (Tie Me Up Tie Me Down), a film by Pedro Almodóvar in which Antonio Banderas, Victoria Abril, and Loles León sing the song while driving.

LYRICS: "Resistiré." Dúo Dinámico, from the album 'En Forma' (1988)

Cuando pierda todas las partidas
Cuando duerma con la soledad
Cuando se me cierren las salidas
Y la noche no me deje en paz

Cuando sienta miedo del silencio
Cuando cueste mantenerse en pie
Cuando se rebelen los recuerdos
Y me pongan contra la pared

Resistiré, erguido frente a todos
Me volveré de hierro para endurecer la piel
Y aunque los vientos de la vida soplen fuerte
Yo soy como el junco que se dobla
Pero siempre sigue en pie

Resistiré para seguir viviendo
Soportaré los golpes y jamás me rendiré
Y aunque los sueños se me rompan en pedazos
Resistiré, resistiré

Cuando el mundo pierda toda magia
Cuando mi enemigo sea yo
Cuando me apuñale la nostalgia
Y no reconozca ni mi voz

Cuando me amenace la locura
Cuando en mi moneda salga cruz
Cuando el diablo pase la factura
O si alguna vez me faltas tú

"I will resist" (English translation by ORS, 2010)

If I were to lose all the games
When I sleep with loneliness
Should all the exits close on me
And the night not leave me peace

If I were to become afraid of silence
When it's hard to stay on my feet
Should memory rebel
And put me up against the wall

I will resist, standing up tall in front of everyone
I will come back as steel to toughen my skin
And even if the winds of life blow strong
I will be like a reed that bends
But always stays on its feet

I will resist to keep on living
I will bear the blows and never surrender
And even if my dreams get broken into pieces
I will resist, I will resist

If the world were to lose all its magic
If I become my own enemy
If memories haunts me
When I can't recognize even my own voice

If madness were to threaten me
When my coin always flips to 'tails'
Should the devil pass me the check
Or if some time I miss you and can't have you with me
I will resist, I will resist