Have your devices and social media been invasively searched at the US border? EFF wants to know about it

After the chaos of the Muslim ban, EFF activists are worried that the TSA's existing policy of invasive data-collection at the border may be getting even worse. They're looking for stories from everyone, but especially citizens and green card holders.

Please let us know if a U.S. official at the border examined your cell phone, laptop, or other digital device; asked for your device's passcode or ordered you to unlock or decrypt it; or asked for your social media handles.

We would like to hear from everyone, but especially if you are a citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) of the United States.

Please tell us:

Your legal status in the U.S. (citizen, permanent resident, visa holder).

What airport or border crossing you were at.

What devices you had with you.

What border agents specifically demanded (including social media handles and passcodes) or what they specifically looked through.

Whether border agents recorded any information.

Whether border agents stated or suggested that compliance with their demands was voluntary or mandatory.

Whether border agents threatened you in any way.

Whether border agents stated any reasons for their demands.

You can write to us at borders@eff.org. If you want to contact us securely via email, please use PGP/GPG. Or you can call us at +1-415-436-9333.

Invasive Digital Border Searches: Tell EFF Your Story
[Sophia Copa and Danny O'Brien/EFF]