The UK's Forbidden Planet is now offering signed hardcovers of Walkaway, my first novel for adults since 2009 — this is in addition to the signed US hardcovers being sold by Barnes and Noble.
Walkaway has scored starred reviews in Booklist ("memorable and engaging" and "ultimately suffused with hope") and Kirkus ("A truly visionary techno-thriller that not only depicts how we might live tomorrow, but asks why we don't already").
Edward Snowden said the book was "a reminder that the world we choose to build is the one we'll inhabit" and Kim Stanley Robinson called it "a utopia both more thought-provoking and more fun than a dystopia" and Neal Stephenson called "the Bhagavad Gita of hacker/maker/ burner/open source/git/gnu/wiki/99%/adjunct faculty/Anonymous/shareware/thingiverse/cypherpunk/ LGTBQIA*/squatter/upcycling culture, zipped down into a pretty damned tight techno-thriller with a lot of sex in it." Yochai Benkler said "A beautifully-done utopia, just far enough off normal to be science
fiction, and just near enough to the near-plausible, on both the
utopian and dystopian elements, to be eerie as almost programmatic…a
sheer delight."
The book comes out on April 25; I'm touring 20 cities in the USA, plus major Canadian cities and a week-long tour of the UK — details TBA.
Pre-order signed Walkaway in the UK [Forbidden Planet]
Pre-order signed Walkaway in the USA [Barnes and Noble]