Philadelphia is a crimeware-as-a-service business that sells a highly customizable ransomware package for budding entrepreneurs who want to dabble in crime.
This stunning advertisement does a thorough job of showcasing Philadelphia's many features, including the ability to generate PDF reports and charts of victims "to track your malware campaigns" as well as the ability to plot victims around the world using Google Maps.
"Everything just works," claim the proprietors of Philadelphia. "Get your lifetime copy. One payment. Free updates. No monthly fees."
One interesting feature of this ransomware package is the ability to grant what the program's architects call "mercy." This refers to the desperate and heartbreaking pleas that ransomware purveyors often hear from impecunious victims whose infections have jeopardized some priceless and irreplaceable data — such as photos of long lost loved ones.
I mirrored the video, in case Philadelphia's proprietors take theirs down:
Ransomware for Dummies: Anyone Can Do It
[Brian Krebs/Krebs on Security]