Boing Boing

Self-study materials on the fundamentals of malware analysis

Amanda Rousseau's self-learning materials for her Malware Unicorn workshop are a fantastic introduction to understanding and analyzing malware, covering the techniques used by malware authors, reverse-engineering tools, and three kinds of analysis: triage, static and dynamic.

This won't turn you into a malware researcher overnight, but they're extraordinarily well-organized and well-presented materials that will complement any effort to become an information security practitioner.

Game Plan

Determine what are the goals

Get to just what you need, or

Know enough to recreate it

Use reconnaissance and triage skills to determine a target starting point

Work step by step to get to your goals

Record your findings through the analysis

Analysis Flow for Malware Analysis

Setup a baseline analysis environment

Triage to determine a starting point

Static Analysis – Get a sense of where everything is before debugging

Dynamic Analysis – Determine behaviors that can't be understood by static analysis

Manual Debugging – Stepping through the program to navigate to your goals

Malware Unicorn

[Amanda Rousseau/]

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