Boing Boing

This New York City hyperlapse may be the mother of all hyperlapses

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FilmSpektakel takes hyperlapse to the next level with A Taste of New York, a frenetic and beautifully shot homage to Manhattan.

In September 2016 we visited this awesome city to try out some new time lapse stuff. It took us 10 days, a lot of burgers and one helicopter ride to produce this video. 10 days is very little time to discover this city of endless opportunities, so we hardly slept anything and shot day and night for this time lapse film. The city that never sleeps indeed!

If you're wondering about the stop-motion taxi sequence:

Over the 10 days we took photos of yellow cabs whenever we had time to from as many different angles as possible. So we gathered 2000 (!) photos in total we had to sort afterwards and compile to a hyperlapse around a cab in post production. It took us 5 whole days in post production to get this one shot.

A Taste of New York (YouTube / FilmSpektakel)

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