Security researchers: EFF's got your back at this summer's technical conferences

Are you a security researcher planning to present at Black Hat, Defcon, B-Sides or any of this summer's security events? Are you worried a big corporation or the government might attack you for revealing true facts about the defects in the security systems we entrust with our safety, privacy and health?

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's got your back.

If you are wondering about whether your research came into a legal gray area, or concerned that the vendor will threaten legal action, please reach out to All EFF legal consultations are pro bono (free), part of our commitment to help the security researcher community. You can also stop by the EFF booths at each conference to make an appointment with one of our attorneys, though we highly recommend contacting us as far in advance of your talk as possible.

Dear Security Conference Speakers – EFF's Coders Rights Project Has Your Back

[Kurt Opsahl/EFF]