Wow. One of Alabama's Senate candidates, Roy Moore, refers to Native Americans as "reds" and Asians as "yellows." He is competing with – and leading – Sen. Luther Strange in the GOP Senate runoff next week.
In a speech on Sunday, he said, "We were torn apart in the Civil War — brother against brother, North against South, party against party. What changed?
Now we got blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting. What's going to unite us? What's going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No. It's going to be God."
Oh shit. This is the same crackpot who told CNN last week that 9/11 was probably God's way of punishing non-believers.
According to The Hill:
Moore's campaign told The Hill the remarks were taken out of context. "'Red, yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world,'" the campaign said in a statement, in an apparent reference to the religious song "Jesus Loves the Little Children."
"This is the gospel. If we take it seriously, America can once again be united as one nation under God."
Moore leads Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) in all recent public polling of the runoff. The winner of that contest will advance to the general election and be expected to beat a Democrat to serve out the rest of Attorney General Jeff Sessions's term.