…and the LA Times thinks it's swell, singing the praises of semiconductor baron Henry Samueli, a true believer in homeopathy and "integrative medicine," whose gift to the UC system comes with the stipulation that it only be used to study discredited garbage…forever.
Now they've given millions to UC Irvine, a public university, to set up a school for baloney….I mean "alternative medicine." It'll be called the "College of Health Sciences," misusing at least three words in a four-word name, which is really pretty impressive.I read about all this in a positively glowing article in the LA Times, which didn't seek out a single voice to disagree with the idea that a college of baloney is a brilliant idea. The LA Times didn't even consult the LA Times of six months ago, where they reported on another woman who took aconite as a remedy. That woman was hospitalized for weeks and then she died, because aconite is a poison. Susan's aconite product must have been real homeopathy, meaning that it was just sugar water and there wasn't actually any aconite in it at all. Otherwise, instead of getting better naturally from her cold she also would have fucking died, and then nobody would be giving millions of dollars to a public university to spread dangerous baloney.
UC Irvine Gets $200 Million to Teach Homeopathy
[Rebecca Watson/Skepchick]