In the past few years, Nabisco has come up with some seriously strange Oreos. To name a few, they've made limited-edition cookies that (purportedly) taste like PB&J, Jelly Donuts, Waffles & Syrup, Candy Corn, Marshmallow Peeps, Swedish Fish and, well, I think you get the picture.
Now they've got one that has a "mystery" creme. It's not a mystery to them, just to us. Yup, no shock, it's a marketing gimmick to make you buy their cookies for "taste-testing" purposes. If you can figure out the flavor before November 30, you get (a chance to win) $50,000.
The Internet already thinks it knows what it is:
BREAKING(not really)! Unofficial taste test REVEALS #Oreo mystery flavor: Kind of Trix/Fruit Loops. I was kind of hoping for Bologna-Oreos.
— MikeDubberlyGDA (@MikeDubberlyGDA) October 10, 2017
Just by the sheer smell of #MysteryOREO, these are 100% Fruity Pebble flavored
— Caitie Lilly (@caitielilly_) October 11, 2017
We all tried a #MysteryOREO today in the newsroom- anchor @macebanks says the mystery is solved, it tastes like "disgusting"
— Abby Kousouris (@abakousourisrex) October 11, 2017
Wait, I think I might have figured out the mystery flavor. It must be…
Sweet, sweet diabeetus. You're welcome.