One filmmaker's breathtaking 2017 in timelapse

Filmmaker Adrien Mauduit collected his favorite timelapse shots of 2017 into a contemplative piece that is a lovely way to look back at 2017 and ahead to 2018.

His work took him to Iceland, Malawi, and Canada:

As year full of achievements, challenges, learning, experiences, travels and fun draws to an end, it is time to look back at it and look how far one has come. When I do, I am just stunned by the turns these twelve months have taken. From my unforgettable four years in Denmark that launched my passion for the night sky, I embarked on a journey with the Project PoSSUM studying the mesmerizing and intriguing noctilucent clouds and aeronomy on the North-American continent. I then returned back to my mother land, France, from which I was able to capture unsuspected beauties drowned in ubiquitous light pollution. Not so fast! I can't forget all the amazing adventures I went on this year.

2017: a year in time-lapse – 4K (YouTube / Adrien Mauduit)