Rep. Devin Nunes, author of Friday's declassified dud memo, told a big fat lie on Fox and Friends this morning.
"As far as we can tell, Papadopoulos never even knew who Trump was — never even met with the president," Nunes said with a straight face.
Nunes was referring to the Trump campaign's foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos, who is now a major witness in the Russia investigation.
But this isn't true. Papadopoulos did meet with Trump, and there is proof:
In the picture above, from Trump's own Instagram account, Papadopoulos is the straight-backed gentleman sitting third from the left, while Trump is to the right at the foot of the table.
According to Vox:
In fact, this specific meeting is quite important. According to internal Trump campaign emails obtained by the Washington Post, Papadopoulos offered to broker "a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump."
In other words, not only did Trump meet with Papadopoulos, but they literally discussed building a bridge between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.
Here's a video of Nunes fibbing to Fox, as Fox's Friends complacently sit there with mock serious expressions.