This man made a functional kitchen — complete with cabinetry, stove, sink, running water, and refrigerator — in the back of his little electric car. "I learned that making a car kitchen is hard if you want it to actually look like a real kitchen," he says. The best part is that the entire kitchen is easily removed from the car.
Man builds full kitchen in back of tiny electric car
- makers
E-bike balances on circus balls
James Bruton is a YouTuber and Maker extraordinaire. He has made an open-source robot dog, a rideable AT-AT, and a life-sized GNK (Gonk) droid. For his latest project, Bruton has… READ THE REST
Man lost eyeball to cancer so he made a replacement that's a flashlight (video)
Brian Stanley is a creative machinist in Southern California. After losing one of his eyes to cancer, he used his maker ingenuity to fashion a replacement. However, his titanium cyborg… READ THE REST
Dad creates an amazing father/daughter Halloween costume
This Maker Dad did a fantastic job! This ingenious "Wonka Mobile" is a joy! Watching "Ohio Dad" build this contraption is almost as much fun as seeing Ohio daughter drive… READ THE REST
Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp
TL;DR: Save over 53% on this LED corner floor lamp that could give your home a serious revamp in the new year, now $69.99 (reg. $149). Moving into a new apartment in the new year?… READ THE REST
Get Microsoft Office with a lifetime license for $60
TL;DR: Skip the subscription stress and get Microsoft Office Professional 2021 with all your favorite productivity tools for $59.97. Why rent when you can own it for life? Until February 23, score… READ THE REST
Get yourself a GoCable — because carrying 5 cables is so last decade
TL;DR: GoCable is the pocket-sized 8-in-1 charger that powers everything while also featuring a built-in cutter and bottle opener for $20.99 (reg. $44.99). If you've ever found yourself rummaging through a bag… READ THE REST