Boing Boing

This Volvo's door chime plays Toto's 'Africa' in 8 bit

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It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from the door chime in this Volvo 240. Why? Because it plays an 8-bit version of Toto's "Africa."

This sweet mod was created by Chris NG, a fan of the YouTube channel 8 bit Universe. NG's currently got a Kickstarter going for custom vehicle door chimes.

Need more Toto?:

Toto's "Africa" playing in an abandoned mall

Toto's 'Africa,' as performed by a computer hardware orchestra

The story behind Toto's 'Africa'

Pop music genres illustrated with Toto's Africa on a lightweight portable keyboard

"I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become"


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