Boing Boing

Hey small business owners! You can save the Internet

Josh from Fight for the Future writes: "The death of net neutrality will hurt small businesses the most. But mobilizing businesses and startups en masse could be the secret ingredient that saves the open Internet. Over the past few months, we've seen that direct pressure from business owners is one of the most effective methods of convincing Republican lawmakers to support net neutrality, and we need to get at least one more GOP senator on our side in order to win a vote in Congress to block the FCC's December repeal."

If the Internet works together to reach tens of thousands of small businesses it could tip the scales. Here's how you can help make this happen:

1. If you run a small business or startup of any kind, join hundreds of other businesses in signing our letter here:

2. Most of us have a few self-employed people or small business owners in our network, so please spread the word through email, text, messenger, or on Facebook and use this tool to contact small businesses in your area and encourage them to sign on to the letter.

This affects ALL small businesses, from hardware stores to massage therapists. The Senate is expected to vote in a matter of weeks. Please spread the word to small business owners you know!

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