U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign a proclamation today to authorize deployment of National Guard troops to the southwest border with Mexico.
"We are going to be guarding our border with our military," Trump said earlier this week, in a meeting Tuesday with heads of state from the Baltic region. "That's a big step."
"It's time to act," said Kirstjen Nielsen, homeland security secretary, briefing press on the policy at the White House on Wednesday.
From the New York Times:
In recent days, and in anticipation of an annual increase in numbers of people who attempt to cross the border, the Trump administration has been ramping up plans to block migrants and asylum seekers, including young unaccompanied children, from entering the United States.
The announcement came a day after Mr. Trump said he wanted to send the military to the southwest border to guard against growing threats from unchecked immigration, suggesting he might want to use active-duty armed forces to do what immigration authorities cannot.
JUST IN: Homeland Security Secretary announces Trump will sign an executive order to deploy the National Guard to "assist the border patrol."
"The president will be signing a proclamation to that effect today." pic.twitter.com/5eAiNmja4w
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 4, 2018
AG Sessions' statement on "National Guard deployment" leads off with discussion of the "caravan" — despite DHS Sec. Nielsen just pushing back from the White House on claims the deployment was related to recent TV coverage of the caravan. pic.twitter.com/f7DjIX0Rfi
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) April 4, 2018
President Donald Trump plans to sign a proclamation to deploy National Guard troops to the southwest border with Mexico https://t.co/g4c3haI6hZ via @salhernandez
— Jim Dalrymple II (@Dalrymple) April 4, 2018