This fish sounds like a vibrating phone

Today I learned the Splendid Toadfish, a creature found only in the Caribbean Sea, produces a sound like a phone on vibrate.

National Geographic writes:

This grumpy-looking splendid toadfish has a special skill. That's not the sound of a phone vibrating… the toadfish is "singing." A similar species, the Bocon toadfish, produces its song with muscles surrounding its swim bladder. Researchers have discovered that the fish sing in unique patterns of 'boops' and grunts (Bocon toadfish sounds recorded separately from this video).

Videographer Bob Mazur thought he was hearing sounds coming from SCUBA gear, until he spotted this noisy fish hiding under the coral. Some toadfish sounds are used to attract females to nesting sites, and others are used as warning signals–probably the case in this instance. During this dive in Cozumel, several fish could be heard singing over each other. What a splendid toadfish surprise.
