A fire at Paris' Notre Dame cathedral was reportedly started by accident, and is related to ongoing work, according to France 2 News which cites police. The Paris bureau chief for Reuters said the news "is terrible and a hideous blow to the symbolic heart of the city."
MORE: Spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has collapsed https://t.co/mgO4CkDAwb pic.twitter.com/TPTs30FjZT
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) April 15, 2019
The entire structure is involved. The spire has collapsed.
This is the worst day for France since June 14, 1940.
Patrick Galey of Agence-France Presse shot photos and video from Paris, and they're below.
Police just evacuated the Île but that spire is lost #NotreDame pic.twitter.com/rd0g8SuSBo
— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) April 15, 2019
#NotreDame right now. I feel sick pic.twitter.com/UFqsSrtwGu
— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) April 15, 2019
#NotreDame now. Entire spire is on fire pic.twitter.com/3410wSwhf3
— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) April 15, 2019
The smoke from #NotreDame is blocking out the sun pic.twitter.com/v3ibVL41T7
— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) April 15, 2019
There are people crying. People on rooftops. I can hear the burning from here #NotreDame pic.twitter.com/Pd80q6Etcg
— Patrick Galey (@patrickgaley) April 15, 2019
#NotreDame is on fire pic.twitter.com/8n6DaEEyGv
— James McAuley (@jameskmcauley) April 15, 2019
PARIS: Here's a closer view of the #NotreDame fire pic.twitter.com/JkQk2I9pHF
— TicToc by Bloomberg (@tictoc) April 15, 2019
A fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral in central Paris on Monday afternoon, a spokesman from the fire department said.
Smoke could be seen billowing out from the top of the medieval cathedral, as flames lept out besides its two bell towers, a Reuters witness said.
A major operation was under way, the fire department added, while a city hall spokesman said on Twitter that the area was being cleared.
Horrifying footage of Notre Dame cathedral on fire from @Reuters pic.twitter.com/2TOHXize1Q
— Luke Baker (@BakerLuke) April 15, 2019
Fire at Paris' Notre Dame cathedral was started by accident and is related to ongoing work, according to France 2, citing police. Either way it is terrible and a hideous blow to the symbolic heart of the city
— Luke Baker (@BakerLuke) April 15, 2019
To be clear — no evidence the fire at Notre Dame was set on purpose as some sort of attack. However, it is the case that several Catholic churches have been attacked, including set on fire, across France recent months https://t.co/P79XlaBYWu
— Luke Baker (@BakerLuke) April 15, 2019
Here is #NotreDame in 1847, surrounded by rubble, undergoing repairs. Hoping no one was hurt and that they can put the fire out and rebuild again. pic.twitter.com/yzjl9Lcnhm
— Summer Brennan ?? (@summerbrennan) April 15, 2019
Just now from friend in Paris. #NotreDame pic.twitter.com/iJ3bRI0WRH
— Jason Rezaian (@jrezaian) April 15, 2019
Can see the smoke from my neighborhood. Heartbreaking. Hope everyone is safe #NotreDame pic.twitter.com/3agKff376r
— Lindsey Tramuta (@LostNCheeseland) April 15, 2019