This is the lowest price I've seen for a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ single board computer. It has a 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core processor, WiFi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet. These Pis are great for playing retro video games (emulators for almost every game platform from the 80s and 90s you can think of are available). This Amazon deal is 16% claimed so far. Once it's fully claimed the price will go back up.
Low price on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+
- makers
- raspberry pi
Simone Giertz makes an electric skateboard for Scraps the dog
Is it a good idea to give a dog an electric skateboard? Simone Giertz is a YouTuber and maker extraordinaire. Her ridiculously cute three-legged rescue dog, Scraps, appears in many… READ THE REST
Building an animatronic T-Rex inspired by an 80s Radio Shack Armatron robotic toy
Probably every robotics nerd of a certain age had a Radio Shack Armatron toy in the 1980s [raises hand]. Our old pal I-Wei Huang had one and considered turning it… READ THE REST
This year's YouTube Maker Secret Santa projects
Every year, a group of makers on YouTube draw names of other makers to build something for. The projects are always clever, and often fun and funny. Here are a… READ THE REST
Relive and digitize the glory days with Kodak Reels
TL;DR: Bring your family's old 8mm and Super 8 films into the digital age with the Kodak Reels Film Digitizer, now available for $349.99 (reg. $399.99). Do you or your parents have… READ THE REST
If using AI feels like a chore, try this
TL;DR: Put all your AI tools in one place with a lifetime subscription to 1minAI, now $39.99 (reg. $234). AI isn't going anywhere. The problem is that we're going everywhere trying to use it. If you… READ THE REST
Tech's best sidekick — this USB-c hub stand is just $139.99
TL;DR: The CASA Hub Ultra Laptop and Tablet Stand is on sale for just $139.99 (reg. $159) and offers full connectivity. When it comes to keeping your tech life organized, connected, and… READ THE REST