Scot Nery's Boobietrap is made of wild energy. Halfway between the Gong Show and an alleyway dice game, Los Angeles' most eclectic and eccentric performances have always been staged for a 21+ audience… until now. On November 29th and 30th.
Many of my favorite variety acts and odd-ball performers consider Boobietrap their home away from home. I am not certain who is in the cast for these kid-friendly shows, but if I can I'll be bringing my daughter!
Scot Nery's Boobietrap. Hollywood's spectacle, now in its fifth year of weekly shows,
opens up the fun for ALL AGES, Friday and Saturday, Nov 29 and 30, at 5PM.For two shows ONLY, after Thanksgiving, kids are welcome. Discounted prices for
children. Doors will open at 5pm with strolling magic. The stage spectacle begins at 6PM,
and reinvents the wonder of vaudeville for modern short attention spans with the world's
greatest performers.Normally a 21+ show every Wednesday, The Family Fun Weekend acts are safe, and
riotous fun for kids, featuring contortionists, jugglers, magicians, songs, aerialists, comedy,
characters, a live band onstage playing between acts and laughter for the whole family.15 Acts; it's a fast-paced, eclectic mix of circus acts, performance artists, magicians,
comedians and singers, and events that can't be easily described. Past performers include
Reggie Watts, Kate Flannery, Tom Arnold, Steve-O, the world's fastest Etch-a-Sketch
artist, live house band, Cirque Du Soleil performers, and winning acts for all the top talent
shows on TV.Special Family shows: Nov 29 and 30, 6555 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028
Doors and Magic start at 5, show starts at 6. tickets at