Police sad over spilled donuts get sweet surprise ending

"The final resting spot of the once glorious glazed donuts."

The police department in Brookhaven, Georgia openly shared their grief in this social media post, honoring a load of tragically fallen donuts.

A surprising act of carb kindness followed.

The Facebook post screengrabbed above details a scene of "total carnage" on Tuesday morning, when dozens of donuts fell off a Krispy Kreme delivery truck in the Georgia town.

Don't scroll any farther here if you are sensitive.

Graphic images follow.

Oh God, it's hard to even type about this tragedy.

All those donuts, crashing into delicious sugary cakey crumbs onto the unforgiving curb, and into a gutter, like so many dunked crullers.

Smashed up into bits.


But not forgotten.

? Brookhaven, GA Police Department

? Brookhaven, GA Police Department

? Brookhaven, GA Police Department

From the Associated Press:

Police say their response time to the call was stellar, but they missed the five-second rule. The post asked for thoughts and prayers as the total loss of the doughnuts deeply affected all the department's officers.

Police later added a comment with an update to the so-called tragedy. It says officers in Gainesville sent a batch of sympathy doughnuts to Brookhaven police in their time of mourning.
