China: Doctor who sounded alarm on Wuhan virus dies of it

Li Wenliang, 34, was reprimanded by Chinese police for warning of outbreak

The medical doctor in China who tried to warn of a strange new virus outbreak has died. Our Carla Sinclair wrote about him earlier today.

Li Wenliang was 34.

When he tried to sound the alarm about the deadly Wuhan coronavirus, now officially known as Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV, the police brought him in for questioning.

Excerpt from the earlier Boing Boing post:

A Chinese ophthalmologist in Wuhan who tried to warn his colleagues on December 30 about seven patients who had come down with a SARS-like virus but was censored by the Chinese government – and and then detained two days later for "rumor mongering" – has died from the disease.

After being detained for two days, Li Wenliang, age 34, helped patients with the novel coronavirus who streamed into his overrun hospital, until he himself became infected with the coronavirus and was hospitalized.

From today's New York Times story confirming his death:

The Wuhan City Central Hospital said at 3:48 a.m. Friday that the doctor, Li Wenliang, had died shortly before. "We deeply regret and mourn this," it said on the Chinese social media site Weibo.

Just hours earlier, the hospital said it was still fighting to save Dr. Li.

Read more:
Chinese Doctor Who Tried to Warn of Outbreak Is Dead From Coronavirus []

Chinese doctor who tried to warn about coronavirus early on but was censored has died from the disease [Updated]