A huge collection of flora and fauna illustrations have just entered the public domain. Hyperalleric writes:
Had he lived in our time, Thoreau would've been thrilled to know that the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), the world's largest open-access digital archive dedicated to the natural world, is now offering more than 150,000 high-resolution illustrations for copyright-free download.
These public domain images belong to an archive of more than 55 million pages of literature about earth's species of flora and fauna. They include animal sketches, historical diagrams, botanical studies, and scientific research collected from hundreds of thousands of journals and libraries across the world. Some of the illustrations date back to the 15th century.
The library sees the sharing of these documents as part of combating the climate crisis:
"To document Earth's species and understand the complexities of swiftly-changing ecosystems in the midst of a major extinction crisis and widespread climate change, researchers need something that no single library can provide — access to the world's collective knowledge about biodiversity," the library says on its website.