Impeached and manifestly corrupt U.S. president President Donald John Trump on Friday signed the $8.3-billion Coronavirus response funding bill before leaving the White House for golf or whatever.
The spending bill to combat the outbreak passed the House and Senate nearly unanimously.
In related news, Trump, a noted germophobe, has called off a planned trip to the Atlanta headquarters of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
Trump said on Friday he called off the CDC trip to Atlanta because of a suspected case of coronavirus there, which ended up coming back negative.
With @SecAzar at his side in the Diplomatic Reception Room, Pres Trump has signed the $8.3-billion Coronavirus response funding bill. Bill passed by near unanimous margins in both Chambers of Congress this week.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) March 6, 2020
Happening today: #Trump preparing to sign $8 billion #Coronavirus aid package this AM.
Coronavirus task force has #WhiteHouse briefing on preparations at 5 PM
— Nancy Ognanovich (@NOgnanovich) March 6, 2020
Also, @realDonaldTrump just tossed @steveholland1 the pen he used to sign the coronavirus spending bill. Steve caught it expertly. Trump says it's the first time he's ever done that.
— Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) March 6, 2020
Trump shows off the signed coronavirus supplemental spending bill.
— Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) March 6, 2020
Trump says he "may be going" to the CDC after all today — he said the agency thought they may have had a case of coronavirus, suggesting that's why the White House canceled his expected trip. Person tested negative.
Via @justinsink
— Alex Wayne (@aawayne) March 6, 2020
House passes $8.3B coronavirus bill in bipartisan vote, Senate vote expected Thursday
PHOTO: White House official photograph, public domain.
President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence, takes questions from reporters during a Coronavirus Task Force update Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo D. Myles Cullen)