If numbers and data science are all just a big mystery to you, think of today's data scientists as modern-day versions of the old California gold rush prospectors panning the water. They'd sift through virtual mountains of soil, gravel and loads of various river debris, all in search of the tiniest fleck of valuable gold material.
Data science is a similar pursuit, sifting through volumes of raw and processed data, seeking patterns and conclusions that can give you an edge. With the training found in The Dynamic Data Scientist Bundle ft. Power BI, Python, and MATLAB, you can learn the methods and tools to become a digital prospector, plucking extreme value from all that data chaos.
This seven-course, 33-hour collection spotlights some of the most important tactics for organizing and analyzing large data sets to find meaningful takeaways that can inform important decision making in business or scientific endeavors.
Applying structure to all that data is a key first step — and the Easy to Advanced Data Structures course will have students creating efficient algorithms to bring a workable form to all that information. Power BI Desktop: Data Analytics for Everyone introduces new users to Microsoft Power Business Intelligence (BI), a program that allows small businesses to use data analytics, modeling and more just like companies with big internal IT departments.
Python is one of the most versatile programming languages for data science, so a pair of courses — Data Visualization with Python for Beginners and Master Data Visualization with Python — get users familiar with Matplotlib, a Python-based program used to plot data to create visually compelling representations that drive home the meaning of all your numbers.
One of the most popular fields of data science study these days is machine learning, and the Math for Machine Learning training explains fundamental techniques of teaching machines to process information adjust strategies all on their own.
Not to be confused with Matplotlib, MATLAB is another popular data visualization and analysis tool, so the MATLAB: Machine Learning for Data Science and MATLAB: Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning take your machine learning adventure a step further, with beginner-friendly training in how to cluster and classify algorithms, which is part of how computers organize and act on their data results.
Each of these seven courses is usually a $199 purchase, but grabbing the complete set today cuts the price down to only $29.99, just over $4 per course.