Boing Boing

Sew this awesome quilted bubonic plague doctor's mask

Take inspiration from a historical pandemic and make yourself this incredible beaked pieced-and-quilted mask, reminiscent of the kind doctors supposedly wore during the 14th century to treat bubonic plague patients. Theirs were stuffed with aromatic herbs, thought to stave off the "bad air." Yours doesn't need mint, lavender or anything like that, just a combination of interesting fabrics. It also requires a fair amount of patience and sewing skills to complete. Full instructions are available through its creator, Sara of the Tumblr suntree a-ok:

No one needs to use 44 bits of fabric to make a mask. It is dumb and fun and absurd. The difficulty is the point.

She's also made a single-fabric version.


images via suntree a-ok, used with permission

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