Welcome to the dystopian future of yesteryear's futurist cyberpunk novels.
In this video, Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić holds an authoritarian rally for himself, with his political supporters clapping for him in a gigantic clusterfuck of a videoconference display.
Wow that's weird.
loodilo, next level pic.twitter.com/85i7wE3XdP
— Laki Kesh Topalovic (@TopalovicLaki) May 16, 2020
"The President of Serbia just held a virtual rally with his supporters clapping via video stream," tweets Sergej Dojcinovic.
"Looks very dystopian and creepy."
The President of Serbia just held a virtual rally with his supporters clapping via video stream. Looks very dystopian and creepy.
pic.twitter.com/3O7yuvm9r2— Sergej Dojcinovic (@Serdjosega) May 16, 2020
— Laki Kesh Topalovic (@TopalovicLaki) May 17, 2020