The Cork City Dump is a haunted graveyard of your childhood

Irish radio DJ Elaine Howley posted this on Twitter the other day:

Which lead me to discover that, yes, this stuffed animal display like a terrifying hybrid of Toy Story and It is, in fact, a thing. As The Irish Times reported in September 2019:

As char­i­ties stopped ac­cept­ing toys they ar­rived in droves to the dump. But in­stead of dis­card­ing the on­celoved ted­dies, work­ers have placed them art­fully — and hu­mor­ously — around the en­trance to Cork's Civic Amenity Site just off the South City Link Road.


"We used to do­nate the toys to char­i­ties, but health and safety reg­u­la­tions stopped that," [said site man­ager Derek Cam­bridge.]

"Ted­dies come in daily. Some ar­rive brand new. We thought chil­dren would take them so we left them out by the en­trance. But they didn't, so we put them up here in­stead.

"It seemed a shame to just dump them."

I quite like Cork. Last time I was there, I enjoyed some great craft beer as I laughed at all the graffiti boasting that, "Cork is daycent." But a stuffed animal trash pile might be an even more beautiful metaphor for that fine city.