Adult Swim is Cartoon Network's late-night counterpart, showing adult-oriented shows, animations, art and so forth. It's been doing so since 2001, with Cowboy Bebop, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Rick and Morty among the popular faves. Last night, however, an angry lady found out about it and all hell broke loose on Twitter.
Celebs waded in. Internet "Free Thinker" Robbie Starbuck has reached the limit of his free-speech principles: "What redeeming value or non-evil value does this bring to adults? This is a celebration of death, evil, rot & darkness."
The video that they're freaking out about is PreBirth by Mike Diva, embedded at the top of this post. It features pyramid-headed figures drumming with baby dolls, which giggle along no matter how extreme the treatment. To anyone with a passing familiarity with pop culture, Satanic Panic and the edgy surrealism of music videos, it's a darkly-humorous joke about how consumerism breaks, molds and manipulates us into becoming the gleeful demonic spawn of capital—or something like that, anyway.
Adult Swim is now trending cos the Qanon Karens are losing it over a vid I made about pyramid bois playing drums with shitty CGI babies.
While getting accused of being an Illuminati pedovore daily has been fun, let it be known that I do NOT condone any form of CGI baby drumming.
— ◢ M i k e D i v a ◣ (@mikediva) July 19, 2020
It's presented in the most comically offensive way possible using the capirote symbology of Christian cultism and the retro occultism of The Omen, Rosemary's Baby and all that followed. It's a menacing modern echo of 1982's Pink Project (embedded below).
But karen cannot tell a thing from its parodies—and neither can the Qanon conspiracy cult, to which this material is freebase illuminati crisis sugar, sending them spiraling toward the event horizon of lunacy.
Some things must remain … unlinked.