Canadian police are searching for a truck diver who pulled up to an Alberta meat-packing plant, packed his semi with more than $230,000 worth of meat, and drove off. Now it's come out that a few days later, someone drove a truck registered under the same fake name, perhaps even the same truck, stopped by the Arctic Spas manufacturing facility in central Alberta, Canada, loaded it up with 7 hot tubs, and drove off. From CBC:
The truck in the meat heist is described by the RCMP as a burgundy semi-trailer with a large bunk that was pulling a white, refrigerated enclosed trailer.
The suspect is described as a tall white male with a heavy build and short brown hair, slightly balding. RCMP said he was wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt, yellow fluorescent vest and a surgical mask.
Somebody is planning a helluva party.
(image: RCMP)