Do we all have Zoom fatigue yet? So many annoying aspects to living our work and social lives over video conferencing. One of these is the need for everyone having to mute when listening and unmuting when talking, especially just to say "Yes," "No," "Great," "BRB," etc.
Engineer Cameron Hunter got tired enough of these single-word responses that he created a gesture "video lens" using SnapLensStudio.
I built the lens using @SnapLensStudio which was incredibly easy. Their five built-in hand gestures allowed me to support hello, yes, no, question, awesome, and goodbye. Their smile detection allowed me to show laughter. I highly recommend checking it out.
To use a lens with Hangouts, Zoom, Slack, etc. you install @TheSnapCamera which creates a virtual webcam. Select a lens that you want to apply and you're good to go!
I'll continue to adapt the lens to my own needs but if you want to try it out you can add it to @TheSnapCamera by searching for this link:
Via Kevin Kelly's Twitter feed.
Image: Screengrab