If you read through text composed by inferior writers, rife with spelling errors, grammar problems, fractured syntax and haphazard punctuation and you aren't appalled, then you might be the target audience for the services that WhiteSmoke provide.
Rather than let writers continue scribbling out copy packed with linguistic landmines, the WhiteSmoke Grammar Checker is like having your own private editor and proofreader available 24/7/365, capable of transforming your text from a nightmare of errors to a clean, crisp, rock-solid presentation.
This 5-in-1 package for improving your writing has already been called "the best writing enhancement software" by TopTenReviews, while CNN honored WhiteSmoke as one of the top 31 business ideas in the world.
WhiteSmoke uses natural language processing and statistical machine translation technologies that don't just fix typos or rearrange misused punctuation. It actually breaks apart your grammar, sentence structure, capitalization and more to streamline your entire writing style, sharpen your tone, and improve your clarity.
If you write clunky, monotonous prose or can't keep your tenses straight, WhiteSmoke is all over it, offering immediate options to fix the problem. Incomplete sentences, dangling modifiers, double negatives, subject-verb disagreements and more are all old hat for WhiteSmoke, sweeping up all your writing issues to make you the absolute best writer you can be.
That covers the grammar, spelling, style and punctuation attributes of WhiteSmoke, but there's still one final weapon in the WhiteSmoke arsenal: translations. WhiteSmoke computers work in tandem with leading linguistic experts to analyze millions of professionally translated texts, then calculate translations with the highest probability of being true to the source.
That means users get full-text and word-to-word translation to and from 55 different languages.
The entire WhiteSmoke process happens right in your web browser and is compatible with all the modern browsing options and all future updates for free.
Right now, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you'll never send out shoddy writing again with a lifetime of WhiteSmoke Grammar Checker access for over 90 percent off the regular price, just $39.99.
Prices are subject to change.
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