Taco Bell fans fight to save menu favorite

A pandemic. An election. A Supreme Court. A Mexican pizza. These pressing issues are on the minds of Americans and one is causing over 120,000 of them to mobilize and sign a petition on change.org, established by Krish Jagirdar. Yes, the Mexican pizza is under siege, and its fans have waged a counter strike against Taco Bell.

From Yahoo:

In September, the fast-food franchise announced a series of menu cuts that, depending on your love for pico de gallo, may have been pretty heartbreaking.

Pico de gallo aside, the most painful announcement seemed to involve Mexican Pizza. The dish, which is essentially a large, round taco topped with pizza sauce, tomatoes and cheese, will leave the menu in early November.

Between now and November, Taco Bell will either respect the will of the people or plow forward with their own plans. Is Taco Bell toying with their devout clients to boost its profile, forcing them to fight for menu items they hold dear? If Coca-cola's history of switching to "New Coke" and then switching back to "Classic Coke" tells us anything, it's that taking something away from your base, only to give it back, is not the worst marketing ploy.