Boing Boing

Biden wins 100% of votes in first precinct to report in

Welcome to Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, where Biden is raking in the votes. Five of them, in fact, awarding him 100% of the total.

By tradition, all eligible voters gather in the storied "Ballot Room" at The Balsams resort in Dixville Notch to cast their secret ballots once polls open at midnight. Once every ballot is cast, votes are tallied and results announced — hours before anywhere else, making it a favored spot for reporters and observers eager for any hints of what is to come on Election Day.

In 2016, there were 8 voters in Dixville Notch. Hillary Clinton got 4 votes, Donald Trump 2 votes, Gary Johnson 1 vote, and one chucklehead wrote in Mitt Romney.

The second precinct to report in today was Millsfield, just down the road, which also opened its polls at midnight.

Trump won there 16-5.

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