There is no word on who installed the ~12ft monolith found in the Utah desert, but it's silver instead of space gray and I presume that it runs Adobe Creative Suite just fine under emulation.
In an interview with local news channel KSLTV, the helicopter pilot, Bret Hutchings, said: "That's been about the strangest thing that I've come across out there in all my years of flying."
"One of the biologists is the one who spotted it and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it," said pilot Bret Hutchings. "He was like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!' And I was like, 'what.' And he's like, 'There's this thing back there – we've got to go look at it!'"
The crew circled back and landed the helicopter to take a closer look. They couldn't believe their eyes.