Boing Boing

Arcade Dreams documentary covers a century of game history

Arcade Dreams is a forthcoming documentary series about the 100-year history of arcades and arcade games, stretching back long before the age of Pong and covering everything great in detail. The project is led by Zach Weddington, whose documentary Viva Amiga is one of my favorite game history-flavored comfort foods; the new series is nearing its Kickstarter target with three days left.

It's an exhilarating tale, told by a colorful array of historians, curators, collectors, industry legends, celebrity fans, and arcade fanatics. It's the first documentary to tell the complete story: from the penny arcades of the early 1900s, through pinball's glory days and the video generation, to the virtual reality worlds of today and beyond.

Here's a general trailer…

… but here's a more specific example of how the series will shape up: an interview with RJ Mical, co-creator of Sinistar (and other things besides) about his work on the 1983 classic.

More info is up at the project's homepage.

Arcade Dreams: The Definitive Arcade History [Kickstarter]

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