In the middle of the night this week, smugglers tossed more than two dozen packages over the fence at the South Mississippi Correctional Institution in Jackson, Mississippi. The big score was apparently 7 pounds of barbecued chicken wings which, one might imagine, could be an attractive upsell to customers of the weed that was also delivered. According to authorities, the smugglers stuffed the goods into footballs that "easily cleared" the 18-foot-high fence. From WLBT:
Among the contraband seized, officials found:
4 pounds of marijuana
20 pounds of tobacco and rolling papers
38 cellphones, chargers and Blue Tooth earbuds
An assortment of cigars
Over-the-counter cold medications
10 cans of snuff
Several packs of cigarettes and lighters
1 scale
1 head scarf
7 pounds of barbequed chicken wings.