The Nevada Highway Patrol in the Las Vegas area has a fleet of Police Interceptor Utility vehicles that are hard for drunks and non-drunks alike to identify as law enforcement. These "ghosted out" Ford Explorers have been patrolling the streets, exclusively looking for impaired drivers. The police markings on each vehicle blend into the paint job more subtly as to not reflect and be easily recognized. The flashing lights normally on top of a police cruiser are now a strip just above the windshield, flush with the roof.
This task force does not answer other service calls. Their mission is dedicated to getting as many drunk drivers off the roads as possible, and it seems to be working. The strike team has made 1,264 arrests so far this year, compared to the 992 from 2019.
The DUI strike team often includes a phlebotomist for evidentiary testing on the scene. It quickens the process and allows officers to be on the street for more of their shift.
Holiday boozing is expected to be up as always, even with Covid, because people who like to go out and drink and drive are the same boobs who don't give two craps about properly locking down during a pandemic.
This Christmas season the officers at the police station hang bulbs on their Christmas tree for every DUI arrest made. Each decoration has the DUI arrest date and arresting officer badge number written on it. I have always said, nothing rings in the Christmas season like a "drunk arrest tree" and a slammer full of sloppy Las Vegas lushes.