The Stori is the functional and stylish storage system for the modern-day cannabis user

For marijuana pioneers of the 60s and 70s, this new America must almost seem like an alien world. There are now twice as many states where cannabis is fully legal as states where it remains illegal. Currently, only six states haven't joined the modern world and ushered some acceptance of marijuana, CBD, and other hemp extract products into law.

Yet, while holding weed doesn't mean an illicit baggie stuffed under the front seat of your car anymore, many users still feel uncomfortable about exposing their use to the world at large.

The Stori Cannabis Storage System is taking aim at that stigma, offering users a storage system that could easily fit in the living area of any home, just like a wine rack or a tea set.

This modular, color-coded collection of pods, tubes, and cases is designed as the ultimate responsible cannabis owner setup, offering safe, organized, and accessible contact with your herb whenever you need it.

Each of the six food-safe pods can hold up to 7 grams of cannabis – and with the colored toppers on each pod, users can keep their stash organized with details on the strains they're currently storing. The whole collection is saved in a case with an airtight, child-resistant lid, which helps keep kids or pets out, and contains any strong smells inside, while maintaining humidity control over all your product. There's even room in the case for accessories like papers, lighters, and vapes.

The Stori also comes with a companion Stori app, an online repository for keeping an unblinking eye on all your weed-related activity. Using the app, you can track what you've purchased, log details about each strain, and even find regional offers from retailers. 

Regularly priced at $220, you can get the Stori Cannabis Storage System now for 25% off, on sale for only $164.95.