Boing Boing

A giant hillside vagina is causing a stir in Brazil

vagina sculpture on a hill

Artist Juliana Notari has unveiled her latest work Diva, a 108 foot tall cement vagina sculpture, installed by hand by over 20 people on a hillside in Pernambuco.

Though her sculpture comes at a timely moment, in a statement on her Facebook page, Notari says her latest work speaks to gender issues generally and the necessity of changing our relationships to people and nature if we're to survive.

"In Diva, I use art to dialogue with issues that refer to gender issues from a female perspective combined with a [cosmocentric] and anthropocentric western society. Currently these issues have become increasingly urgent. After all, it is by changing perspective of our relationship between humans and humans and nonhuman, that will allow us to live longer on that planet and in a less unequal and catastrophic society."

Correction: Argentina's Senate voted on Dec. 30th to legalize abortion, not Brazil's

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