National Museum of American History wants your tales of 2020 for a time capsule

The National Museum of American History is creating a "digital time capsule" of 2020, and is inviting folks to submit their recollections of this Annus horribilis.

They have a form here for submitting stories up to 500 words, and up to five photos and one video.

As they write …

We're assembling a digital time capsule filled with messages to future generations about life today, and want to hear your story, big or small.
Share a story with the future: How did your life change during these times?
For example,
How did you experience protests in your town?
How was your daily life changed by the pandemic?
What does the "new normal" at work look like?
What memory of quarantining with your family will most stay with you?
How did the events of this year lead you to see your community differently?
What object will always make you think of these times?
What do you think will happen next?

As for one of their questions above — "What object will always make you think of these times?" — for me, that one's easy:

The disposable surgical mask.

(The CC-2.0-licensed photo of the — unrelated! — time capsule above comes courtesy the Flickr stream of Matt Brown)