Tom Brady completes end zone pass to Brees, while Brees kicks the living shit out of Brees

In a nice family moment after the Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the New Orleans Saints 30-20 in the NFL playoffs, Tom Brady, the winning quarterback, came out to visit with Drew Brees, the losing quarterback, and Brees' family. The Breeses took to the empty field at the Superdome in New Orleans where Drew and his wife played with their 4 kids.

Tom Brady came out and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Brees and then lofted a strike in the corner of the end zone to Drew Brees' son, under tight coverage from Drew Brees' other son.

Please notice in the video that Brees' daughter delightfully whoops the everloving ass of one of her brothers. She jumps on him, does a few effortless cartwheels over him for style and then proceeds to drop devastating WWE knees on his midsection.

Only seeing parts of the skirmish Tom Brady took the girl's side and told the boy, who just took a beating, "be nice to your sister," to which the kid replied, "no". No? Well young man, then look for your sister to kick the crap out of you like it's her profession.