The obnoxious narcissists who staked their reputation and meal ticket to promoting the cartoonishly infantile QAnon conspiracy theory are doing everything they can to stay relevant after their savior Trump didn't round up and execute the blood-drinking reptilian deep state elite as prophesied by the Philippines pig farmer who goes by the name Q.
From The New York Times:
Some QAnon believers tried to rejigger their theories to accommodate a transfer of power to Mr. Biden. Several large QAnon groups discussed on Wednesday the possibility that they had been wrong about Mr. Biden, and that the incoming president was actually part of Mr. Trump's effort to take down the global cabal.
"The more I think about it, I do think it's very possible that Biden will be the one who pulls the trigger," one account wrote in a QAnon channel on the messaging app Telegram.
Others expressed anger with QAnon influencers who had told believers to expect a dramatic culmination on Inauguration Day.
"A lot of YouTube journalists have just lost one hell of a lot of credibility," wrote a commenter in one QAnon chat room.
Still others attempted to shift the goal posts, and simply told their fellow "anons" to hang on and wait for future, unspecified developments.
"Don't worry about what happens at 12 p.m.," wrote one QAnon influencer. "Watch what happens after that."
And some appeared to realize that they'd been duped.
"It's over," one QAnon chat room participant wrote, just after Mr. Biden's swearing-in.