31 Visions of Hell, Satan, and Demons, according to a 1775 book obsessed with genitals

The Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros, or "A rare summary of the entire Magical Art by the most famous Masters of this Art," is a 1775 collection of 31 stunning watercolor paintings of demons, cabbalistic signs, magical sigils, and other supposedly awful evil things. As the Wellcome Library describes it:

In German and Latin. On white, brown and grey-green paper. The title within an ornamental border in wash, with skulls, skeletons and cross-bones. Illustrated with 31 extraordinary water-colour drawings of demons, and three pages of magical and cabbalistic signs and sigils, etc. At the end the figures are in red, and part of the text is written in white on the grey-green paper.

I can't find any information on who, exactly, made this artwork, but it's clear that they had some extraordinary talent and an even more extraordinary imagination. And they were also very, very horny.

Here are a few of my favorites:

If you're into it, you can also buy collected prints of the artwork.

Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros [Wellcome Library]