Republican Sen. "Terrible" Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) says bAd wEaTHer has made it gosh durn near impossible to read the news, so he can't comment on the mind-bendingly wacked-out antics of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-GA).
From Insider:
"I haven't even looked at what all she's done," he told the CNN producer Ted Barrett. "I'd have to hold back a statement on that. Travel in this weather it's been a little rough looking at any news or whatever."
Tuberville, who ousted former Democratic Sen. Doug Jones last year, seemed to be referring to the snow that Washington, DC, has gotten over the last few days.
[Image: By JGlover – Attribute to J. Glover, Atlanta, Georgia in any use (including derivative) outside of WikiMedia Foundation projects. – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, MODIFIED]
[Thanks, Patrick!]