Dominion is suing Mike Lindell, the Trump-supporting founder of MyPillow, for defamation. The voting machine maker seeking more than $1.3 billion in damages against Lindell.
From The Wall Street Journal:
The complaint alleges that Mr. Lindell made false claims about the integrity of Dominion's voting machines and that he knew no credible evidence supported his claims that the company had stolen the election from Mr. Trump—what Dominion has called the "Big Lie."
"He is well aware of the independent audits and paper ballot recounts conclusively disproving the Big Lie," the complaint states. "But Lindell…sells the lie to this day because the lie sells pillows."
The suit also names MyPillow as a defendant.
In an interview Monday, Mr. Lindell said he was "very, very happy" to learn of the lawsuit.
"I have all the evidence on them," he said. "Now this will get disclosed faster, all the machine fraud and the attack on our country."
[Image: YouTube]