Boing Boing

Police: pro-Trump group plans to attack U.S. Capitol today

Photo: Martin Falbisoner/Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

U.S. Capitol police report obtaining intelligence that an "unidentified militia group" plans to "breach the Capitol" today and that they are acting to avert the threat.

The United States Capitol Police Department is aware of and prepared for any potential threats towards members of Congress or towards the Capitol complex. We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4. We have already made significant security upgrades to include establishing a physical structure and increasing manpower to ensure the protection of Congress, the public and our police officers.

Our Department is working with our local, state, and federal partners to stop any threats to the Capitol. We are taking the intelligence seriously. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, we cannot provide additional details at this time.

It's so light on details that it feels a lot more like Threat Level Cover Our Asses than anything likely to happen. Today is one of the key dates in the evolving QAnon mythos; some Trump supporters believe he will be re-inaugurated today or otherwise retake power from President Biden and the 117th Congress. Nonetheless, a good day to stay out of town.

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