Rudy Giuliani's daughter Caroline: "Three-Way Sex With Couples Has Made Me a Better Person"

Writing in Vanity Fair, filmmaker/writer Caroline Rose Giuliani, the twentysomething daughter of Rudy Giuliani, tells "A Unicorn's Tale," how her experience having sex with couples has made her "a better person." From Vanity Fair:

Before discovering the world of ethical non-monogamy, known to some as "the Lifestyle," I was in a long-term, loving, monogamous relationship that my body begged me to end before it progressed to an engagement. At the time, I didn't fully understand what was missing from that relationship, but I did know that my partner loved me despite my weird wildness, while I yearned to be with someone who loved me because of it. To further confuse matters, I didn't even know exactly what my "weird wildness" entailed, partly because I had spent so much time in relationships that were not conducive to personal and sexual growth.

Once I was single, I immediately began to make up for lost time. I took soul-nourishing psychedelic trips into the desert with friends. I broke my stainless steel bed frame with tons of great (and safe) sex. Of all of the variants of ecstasy I experienced during that period, the ecstasy of unbridled self-discovery was the most metamorphic. I had gone through various experimentation phases throughout high school and college, but those bold (sometimes unwise) choices were inextricably intertwined with adolescent angst and rebellion. Finding my wildness as an adult was much more peaceful—it was not reacting or crying out but intentionally searching.

image: crop of painting by Domenichino (Public Domain)